Part Numbers & Sizes

Size Cover Bulk Part Number 3 Foot Roll 6 Foot Roll 10 Foot Roll 15 Foot Roll 20 Foot Roll
-3 Stainless 600003 603003 606003 601003 601503 602003
-3 Clear 600013 603013 606013 601013 601513 602013
-3 Black 600023 603023 606023 601023 601523 602023
-4 Stainless 600004 603004 606004 601004 601504 602004
-4 Clear 600014 603014 606014 601014 601514 602014
-4 Black 600024 603024 606024 601024 601524 602024
-6 Stainless 600006 603006 606006 601006 601506 602006
-6 Black 600026 603026 606026 601026 601526 602026
-8 Stainless 600008 603008 606008 601008 601508 602008
-8 Black 600028 603028 606028 601028 601528 602028
-10 Stainless 600010 603010 606010 601010 601510 602010
-10 Black 600029 603029 606029 601029 601529 602029
-12 Stainless 600012 603012 606012 601012 601512 602012
-12 Black 600030 603030 606030 601030 601530 602030

Technical Specifications

Part Number AN Size Nominal I.D. Working Pressure Burst Pressure Min. Bend Radius
600003 -3 .125″ 3000 psi. 12000 psi. 2″
600004 -4 .187″ 3000 psi. 12000 psi. 2″
600005 -5 .250″ 3000 psi. 12000 psi. 3″
600006 -6 .312″” 2500 psi. 10000 psi. 3″
600008 -8 .405″ 2000 psi. 8000 psi. 5.25″
600010 -10 .500″ 1500 psi. 6000 psi. 6.5″
600012 -12 .625 1200 psi. 4800 psi.  7.7″


The properties of P.T.F.E. make it a natural for all highly corrosive applications like automotive brake fluid. P.T.F.E. also works well for hot oil and power steering fluid. The hose will take high pressure and cycle over and over without failure. This hose also handles nitrous oxide with ease.

Sizes 6-12 AN have a conductive core.

P.T.F.E. powder is extruded into a smooth bore tube product. The tube is then fed into a machine that weaves stainless wire into the familiar braided pattern. The hose is inspected 100% and any flawed sections are discarded.

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