Made In The USA

Some years in the making, Fragola Performance Systems has worked very hard to make its mark on the competitive world of racing fluid delivery products. Our founder, Frank Fragola, rolls up his sleeves on a daily basis and jumps right
in beside the production staff.

Each machinist handles the set-up and operation of several machines at once, and workflow is smooth and manageable.
The testing and assembly area operates similarly, and the overall pace of the facility is comfortable and thoroughly stocked with inventory. We also employ an impressive recycling system, fed by under-floor conveyer belts, separating
machining solvents from scrap material, allowing the solvents to be reused. All in all, we are proud of our humble
home-grown operation that now boasts over 35 employees and 80,00 square feet of space.

True Fragola Parts

When you buy a Fragola Performance Systems part, you are getting the best quality for the best price. Because we are family owned, we take pride in our company and strive to be the best we can be. We think it’s obvious by seeing the
parts used in real racecars and our satisfied clients the world over.


Screw machines on the
Fragola floor


Our impressive recycling system


From straight tubing to right angle

usa10 (1)

Rolling precise threads


Mandrel bender


A fitting before & after


Parts being tumbled after machining


Parts ready for the next steps


Parts ready for the next steps

© Copyright 2020 Fragola Perfomance Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
